Why Outsource

Reasons to
Outsource Scanning

There are many factors in determining whether or not to outsource your scanning project. Most often, these projects cost much less when outsourced. In addition to lower costs, this will also result in better quality, and earlier completion. Here are some reasons to consider outsourcing your project to Mackly:


As we are a full service provider, we have and continue to evaluate and invest in the best conversion equipment available in the market today. Our knowledge of the technology and expertise of our staff enables us to provide you with the most competitive pricing and turnaround times.


We have a large staff dedicated to scanning and indexing and have the ability to operate 24/7. We can accurately estimate completion times to meet customer goals.


Our equipment, experience and professional methods produce the best quality results. Many projects that are brought in-house vs. outsourced to Mackly Technologies result in poor quality results due to inexperience or inferior equipment.


Many in-house projects can be a distraction and time drain on staff and management. By outsourcing to Mackly Tecnologies, the customer ensures that their core business does not get sidetracked and the project is completed on time and in budget.

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(10am - 05 pm)

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