
Data digitization converts data from its physical form into a digital format, making it easier to manage, store, and access information. For organizations with large amounts of paper-based records, digitization is crucial and helps them to save money by eliminating the need for physical storage space and personnel to maintain it otherwise. By digitizing their data, organizations can also make better business decisions by finding trends and patterns in their business operations.

Want to know more about Digitalization

Why Digitize?

Types of Documents

Paper Document

We scan documents of any type or size. We have the capacity and experience to convert large projects timely and efficiently.

Large Format

Engineering drawings, maps, plans, blueprints and more. We have scanned over 10 million large format documents!

Technical Manuals

We are experts at making physical technical manuals, documents, binders and folders accessible in electronic format.


We specialize in digitizing all types of books including textbooks, notebooks, manuals, historical texts, ledgers, etc.

Newspaper & Magazine

We scan documents of any type or size. We have the capacity and experience to convert large projects timely and efficiently.

Phots & Flims

Mackly has a laboratory designated to the high quality capture of photographs, slides & negatives.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud storage allows you to save office space, cut down on security costs, and grants you immediate access to your files anytime and anywhere.

On-Site Scanning

When documents can’t leave your facility, we’ll come to you! We will assemble a team and scanning environment on-site.

At Mackly, our focus is always on your organization’s needs. Hence, our digitization methodologies always lay deep emphasis on understanding your business requirements. By using well-defined processes and best practices, We deliver creative, intelligent answers to business issues.

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