eDMS (Electronic Document Management System) is a software solution that organizes, stores, and manages digital documents, facilitating seamless document retrieval, collaboration, and version control, improving overall productivity and reducing paper usage.
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Benefits OF eDMS Software

eDMS Features

The need for eDMS

Every organization generates and maintains stacks of documents in various departments for statutory and compliance . the number of documents in all the departments grows over the period of time and occupy huge storage area in a premium office space.

Sometimes the documents are misplaced or mis-filed. Employees are spending Considerble time in searching and retrieving documents.

There were many occurrences of ‘’Destruction Of Documents’’ by calamities like floods and fires .The printed contents in documents also fade away due to acidic nature of the paper and frequently changing climatic conditions . Termites also contribute their part in destroying the important documents .

eDMS Key Features

eDMS Deployment options

eDMS Key benefits

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